
MOTOR Is a Unique Digital Aggregator Of Mobility Services In UAE

3 aed for every 1 km

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About Us

MOTOR Company was established in 2019 in Dubai by a team of professionals behind several successful ventures and the very first carsharing company in Russia. Inhabitants of MENA Region could receive the unique specter of services, which was specially designed to provide the maximum level of convenience and safety. Instantaneous car rental service is accessible through the mobile application. Our customers need only to open an interactive map and select the appropriate variant among hundreds of available vehicles. The customers highly appreciate electric cars, compulsory insurance and car maintenance, as well as the main punch line – the remote car management. It allows controlling the lock systems, air conditioning and some other facilities via the mobile application. Our secret is that we care about the clients and partners.

We Help Big Cities

Technological progress has affected not only the creation of different devices but the development of services. If we talk about the concept of the collaborative consumption, it has become one of the main global trends. It happens mostly because of the convenience. Every day more people begin to use smart house systems, collective investments, connected cars and etc.
If to return back to the modern metropolis, the reason of the traffic jams and general traffic overloads is caused by the purchases of the personal vehicles. In practice, almost every owner of the driving license has at least 1 car. This is a common practice in families that every person of the legal age has his/her own car.
To solve this essential problem, we brought to live the high-tech car sharing service:
    •      Every car has at least 8 drivers. It reduces the congestion of the roads and environment pollution.
    •      New advanced opportunities for tourism infrastructure.

Get In Touch

Reason for contact

Our office

Motor Share FZ-LLC Building 16, Dubai Interner City, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 73030.



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